Automated Lawn-Mowing

Never Cut Your Grass Again. It's a MowBrainer.

What’s MowBrainer?

The short answer is we use the latest technology to keep your lawn clipped to perfection.

Mowbrainer specializes in the sales, set-up, and service for the Husqvarna Automower®, a state-of-the-art robotic lawnmower that trims your lawn with no mess, no noise, and no sweat. When you work with us, you’re working with the experts. This is all we do!

Get your Automower® set up and ready to go, starting at only

City lot starting at: $1,750
Acreage starting at: $5,000

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What’s Cool About the Automower®?

Honestly, what isn’t cool about the Automower®?

This awesome piece of machinery is incredibly quiet, thorough, and hard-waring. Rain or shine, it keeps your grass at the perfect uniform height. It could literally work 24/7 if you wanted it to.

With safety and security measures, you don’t have to worry about injuries or even theft. Just schedule the Automower® from your smartphone and let it do the rest. You’ll get gorgeous grass at the perfect height every time.

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How it Works

How Does MowBrainer Work?


We’ll get to know you, your property, and your grass-care needs. We’ll make a recommendation and give you a quote based on what we’ve learned.

Delivery & Installation

Our technicians come to your property and get everything ready-to-roll. We’ll program your Automower®, set up the appropriate boundaries, the whole nine yards. Get it? Yards?

Watch the AutoMower® Work

And we’re done! Your lawn stays pristine and you don’t have to lift a finger. The only thing left to do is decide how you’re going to spend all this new-found free time.

About Us

Our founder used to be someone who loved mowing his own lawn. Then one day, while he was out for a jog, he saw a robotic mower silently roving around his neighbour’s lawn. Out of curiosity, he decided to do some research on the Automower® and after realizing the eventual cost savings, time savings and other added benefits decided to give it a try. Today, he can’t imagine mowing the lawn himself and instead spends time hiking, mountain climbing, and doing things he actually enjoys, all while the lawn is being mowed by the Automower.

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